New All Tattoo

Going to work in Germany and Switzerland

Hi, everybody.
I’m going to Germany and Switzerland and will be available for tattoo
sessions while I’m there.

I'll be in Zurich ,Switzerland from 28th of May to the 4th of June
If you'd like to be tattooed by me please contact Sabine Gaffron
(See below for contact detail)

Then I'll be in Hamburg Germany from the 5th of June to the 27th of June.
Please contact Tattoo Nouveau.

I'd like to tattoo many non Japanese people on my journey.

If you are interested in getting tattoo from me
please contact them.

I'm really looking forward to going Europe !!

Best regards

In Zurich Switzerland 29.May to 4. June
In Hambrug Germany 5.June to 27.June

☆In Germany contact

Tattoo Nouveau

☆In Switzerland
Sabine Gaffrom

Japanese Tiger Tattoo

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Japanese Tiger Arm Tattoo

Japanese Books Tattoo

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Japanese Books Tattoo

Japanese Black Tattoo

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The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Japanese Arm Black Tattoo Gallery

Drawing with Charcorl

I’m learning about drawing at my art class.

Those picture are my drawing.

I have to finish it in this April.

Charcoal is a good way for me to learn gray gradients and lighting techniques.

But it is very very difficult... (><)

☆If you'd like to see more information about me, pleaase go to
Japanese web site: