Naturally a womans' body has many places that are ideal for the placement of a tattoo but the most erotic one is the lower back. Some consider it an ideal inked location, if you work in a position that does not allow showing of tattoos, as it can be easily covered. Yet, it is also located in a spot that is easily shown off when the wearer wants to do so.
They come in many designs and styles that will enhance the appearance and the appeal. Most designs will curve gracefully along the waist area and the curve of a womans' hips. It will accentuate an already sultry and exciting part of the female anatomy.
The most popular designs for the lower back usually include vines, stars and flowers. Often times as well they depict some type of winged creatures such as dragonflies, butterflies, and even angels. If you choose a winged creature you do not have to stop there, you can add in flowers, vines and any other design you would like. Use your imagination and you'll see the possibilities for designs are endless.
Since a tattoo is a permanent design on your body you need to consider carefully the design before you make your decision. Give a lot of thought to the design and don't pick something just because it may be appealing to you right now, or it's popular or someone told you to. Think about choosing one that you will enjoy for many years to come. Choose the one that literally jumps out at you and captures your attention from the get go.