I went to the London tattoo convention last September!
It was first time for me to see soooo many great tattoo artist's working as same time in one place!!!!
I met many friends ,saw new persons and talked a lot. It was really excellent time.
I upload some pictures I took there below this text.
Best regards Ryoki
the convention hall

The Filip Leu, Sabine Gaffron, Jondix and Tin-Tin booth

Sabine Gaffron

Filip Leu


Julian, Marcuse and Orrin

with the clients

Wating for my new tattoo!!!

I got the tattoo from Sabine Gaffrom.
Marcuse, Smilin Demons Tattoo
If you'd like to see more information about me, please go to...

Wating for my new tattoo!!!

I got the tattoo from Sabine Gaffrom.

Marcuse, Smilin Demons Tattoo

If you'd like to see more information about me, please go to...
English web site : www.al-haut.com/english
Japanese web site: http://www.al-haut.com/
Japanese weblog: http://www.al-haut.exblog.jp/
Myspace address : http://www.myspace.com/alhautryoki
Japanese web site: http://www.al-haut.com/
Japanese weblog: http://www.al-haut.exblog.jp/
Myspace address : http://www.myspace.com/alhautryoki